Happy 31st Anniversary, A New Office for The Lotus Center for Healing and Dr. Sue Right Next Door t

It is a major milestone for me, this anniversary. A lovely new space right next door to the tiny 2 rooms we had. It's hard to believe it's been this long. Some things seem like just yesterday, others take me way back in my mind. So many stories of people who came through my doors searching for answers, most of them; others confused and frightened; and yet some with their own agendas driving them passionately into my space waiting for me to accept, believe, and bow to them. Simple aches and pains, abused women, autistic children, terminal diseases, paralytics, addicts. Firemen, housewives, horse trainers, and engineers.
Generations of folks from all walks of life ~~ semi-pro football players, an opera star, a famous TV actress, and even a little-known rocker who later made it so unbelievably big I'm certain he would not remember little ole me.
I've thought about writing a book about my journey. Perhaps at some point before my teeth are in a jar!
And now for the latest exciting news!
1 ~ 10% off Sale April 1 thru April 17th for Select Chinese formulas.
2 ~ Single Treatment Sessions will be available Tuesday, April 2 and 9 from noon till 3 pm
3 ~ Wellevate is our new amazing warehouse where you can shop shop shop for your formulas and nutritionals I prescribed for you. If you are not my patient you can also shop. Setting up your account if really easy with Wellevate. Here is your URL link: https://wellevate.me/j-susanne-davis
4 ~ Standard Process company has been established for even better products for you.
5 ~ CHAT ROOM will be up and running in about a week, will let you know via short email.
6 ~ You will have the option of self-scheduling for those special days when you just need a tune-up.
7 ~ Community Acupuncture is an awesome goal set for the end of this quarter. More info to follow.
8 ~ I am extending saliva and blood testing in-house. SIBO is being offered currently. You will also be
able to test for candida, food sensitivities, gluten sensitivity. In-house blood drawing is planned for this summer. Yes, I will be drawing bloods again just like the 'old days.'
9 ~ Orthotics are amazing! They correct for so many things, ask for more information.
10 ~ I am now carrying CBD products for both us humans and our canine friends. Currently I am using two top-of-the-line professional products.
11 ~ Azmira Animal Products will be offered beginning mid-April. This will be a select line and will not include foods.
12 ~ I am working on a Brand New Blog format that will be more pretty.
Marilyn Harter is our resident LMT with many years of experience. She is glad to be back after a hiatus and practices Medical Massage. She is fabulous. I love her touch. Proof you don't have to get beat up to feel better!
13 ~ AND! I have partnered with Penny Stadick of Grounded Owl Botanicals (formerly Blue Sky Oils) to bring you truly professional aromatherapy to augment our work together. Penny has an outstanding background in her field, is caring, empathic, and totally qualified.
April is National CranioSacral Therapy Month as well, so lots going on! This Spring holds new life, new ideas, and growth. It is a blessing to be able to serve you and partner with you on your path to inner wellness. Namaste ~~