Let's Talk About You
Women's Natural Health and Wellness
The Lotus Center For Healing
Dr. Susanne Davis

Let's Talk About You
Women's Natural Health and Wellness
Chiropractic Physician
The Lotus Center For Healing
Dr. Susanne Davis

Offering you health programs allows you to receive greater benefits
These health programs are comprehensive and designed to provide you with a fully individualized personal approach to benefit your specific needs.
You have many variables that go into your health issues. Having the freedom to serve you with advanced training in a number of different therapies ~ CranioSacral Therapy, acupuncture and Chinese medicine, Somatoemotional Release, gentle soft-tissue chiropractic care, Chinese herbs and nutrition, hormone analysis and more. I bring a wealth of skills to your programs.

Services Available To You
Therapies are combined into your programs
should your diagnosis call for them
Weight Loss and Detox'
Soft-Tissue Chiropractic SOT
CranioSacral Therapy
Somatoemotional Release
Chinese Herbs
Holistic Coaching
Fire Cupping
Tui Na Acupressure Massage
Gua Sha
Lymphatic Drainage
Visceral Manipulation
Herbs & Nutrition Consultation
Hormonal Analysis
Saliva and Blood Spot Testing
SIBO Evaluation
Allergy Testing, Blood Work
Foot Leveler Orthotics
Holistic Health Coaching
Healing From The Core (Distance & In-Office)

Programs provide consistent therapeutic care, supportive coaching, and monitoring of your progress.
Since no two women are alike, each will respond differently to care in these programs. Some will progress rapidly, others will move more slowly.
After we have your Private Discovery Consultation and we both agree we will work well together, you will receive your first 2-hour Intake History, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Then I create your first detailed unique treatment protocol.
A great deal of time and work goes into planning a detailed treatment protocol for you 'behind the scenes.'
When you leave my office, I will spend 2-4 hours working on your case for every hour I am with you. This is the time and effort you don't see.
It takes an extremely disciplined client to stay with any single-visit approach to care. Excuses are easily made, making solid progress difficult.
Programs allow you, the client, to make the commitment needed to begin, follow through and complete a comprehensive health program.
Health programs with solutions for your life:
I look forward to meeting with you to respond to your questions, and to discover along with you if the program you are considering is the right choice for you. My belief is to treat the person, not the disease. Getting to the cause of your health challenges is our goal together.

Women's Gold Optimal Integrative Health and Wellness
This 3-month VIP program is structured for women battling signs and symptoms of health problems such as these will benefit from this program:
PMS and hormonal imbalances
Migraines, Headaches, Neck and Shoulder Pain
Back pain
Irregular periods and pain
Fibroids, PCOS
Mood swings
Peri-menopause and menopause with signs and symptoms of insomnia, hot flashes, mood swings, brain fog, emotional upset, bloating
Low libido (sex drive)
SIBO, digestive disorders
Disruption of Pituitary Thyroid Adrenal Axis
Adrenal fatigue
Colds, flu
The other advantage to this program is that anything else that is treatable such as colds or flu,
sprains, strains, etc.,are also treated for you.
What Is In Your Program?
Initial full two-hour confidential medical history, lifestyle history, Chinese medical diagnosis, vital signs, blood work evaluation, postural analysis, initial diagnoses, and treatment session.
Review and update twice each month to be on-track with your best health goals.
Craniosacral therapy: Full sessions and half-sessions for release, relaxation, realignment and balance of the nervous system, to release tensions, trauma of all kinds, and allow you peace and healing of the deepest kind.
Soft-tissue manipulation as needed to realign your spine from the top of your head to your feet.
Lymphatic drainage and visceral manipulation release when indicated to release toxins from your body and allow the body to heal.
Acupuncture treatment sessions to remove blocks, promote energy, and release stagnation based on your Chinese medical patterns, and history.
Auricular acupuncture (ear acupuncture) therapy as indicated by your Chinese medical patterns.
Tui Na sessions of acupressure massage to promote relaxation and de-congest your body.
Aromatherapies and topical Chinese herbal formulas used to facilitate Tui Na sessions, relaxation,and remove congestion.
Holistic health coaching to guide you through your healing process and help you make positive changes.
Additional office consultation time as needed to keep our communication clear and on-point.
Personal accountability partnership to walk with you as your sounding board.
Phone consultation Chat Times to be determined.
Check lists and done-for-you templates to keep you on track.
Signature Platinum Program
This 6-month program is an extended Optimal Integrative Health and Wellness program. There are many additional perks with this program such as scheduled massage, confidence coaching, and other fabulous benefits to round out this program to the max.' I literally become your private one-on-one holistic practitioner and health coach during this program. It is very exciting to be able to work one-on-one with women for this length of time in partnership to get them where they truly want to be in their health, renewing their zest for life and helping them build the confidence they desire and can have. These women are unique and very dedicated to making deep and lasting changes. They want to get to their 'why's,' their 'personal health directions,' and release what has been holding them back on their paths to wholeness. They are ready to create amazing break-through healing on all levels.
Cold and Flu Package
Package is for colds and flu therapies. Herbs are not included in this package
due to variability of formulas. This is a 3-session package.
3 full acupuncture/acupressure sessions
3 Craniosacral therapy half-sessions
In-session aromatherapy
Nutritional consultation
New You Healthy Image
Get the tools to keep your weight where you want it for the rest of your life. Priceless!
a 3-month program of amazing therapies
2-hour confidential medical and lifestyle history and evaluation
review of blood work and diagnostics when needed
relaxation, peace of mind modalities
holistic coaching to help you meet your goals
two private half-hour phone consults as you need them each week
meal plans with real food
content, check lists, and done-for-you templates to keep you on track
and did I mention actual weight loss?
my personal one-on-one accountability by your side as we walk through your program together.
and SO much more!
New You Healthy Image Couples Program
This program is the New You Healthy Image program designed for couples to
interact, work in tandem toward their mutual, yet individual goals for health.
I will be working closely with each couple to ensure support, cooperation, and success for
each person.
VIP Day (for groups and individuals) ~ TBD
VIP Day is a one-day intensive healing experience designed around an individual or group setting,
with topics to be determined based on health needs, seasonal changes, and requested topics.
Notice of these VIP Days are sent out in advance in Your Lotus newsletters, Facebook posts, private
emails, and various other postings throughout the year.
Speaking Engagements, Classes
I am also available for private speaking engagements and individual presentations with groups. Please let me know your topic and your audience. If you have a group and need suggestions, we can discuss.
All Lady Military Warriors are treated free at The Lotus Center for Healing. Just bring me your papers to verify your military service.
On-line scheduling Is suspended until Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted.
Select Single Sessions Are Available
should you decide you need a tune-up, a break from the hectic day and want to relax, or just want to 'try' a session to explore the subtle healing effects.
You may also schedule your initial Women's Gold Optimal Wellness program private consultation.
Just give a call, Don't Hang UP! I really want to speak with you!
Leave a short message if I don't pick up, I may be with a patient or it is after-hours. I block people who don't leave messages due to junk phone calls.
Dr. Susanne Davis
Call Today & Schedule
A Private Discovery Consultation
62 N. Stapley Drive
Mesa, AZ 85203